Feeling frustrated with your bladder?

Through discreet live weekly Zoom classes, learn the secrets of the right way to respond to your bladder’s strong urges and adopt healthier bladder habits so you can feel more in control on the way to the bathroom.

Having to use the bathroom often or rushing to get there in time are problems which tend to sneak up on us over time. What starts as an occasional inconvenience can grow into a problem which actually changes how we live our lives. Maybe you use pads to control it, limit how much you drink, always go before leaving the house, or map out every bathroom in town. You might avoid going out with friends, seeing a movie, or traveling far in a car or plane. You might not even realize these things are a problem because so many people you know struggle with strong bladder urges and frequent bathroom trips. Or you might think this is all just a “normal” part of aging or of being a woman. Let’s set the record straight: these problems are all very common, but they are never “normal”! You can learn how to take back control and stop living at the whim of your bladder. In Purge the Urge you will learn the strategies, exercises and healthy bladder habits necessary to tame your bladder’s unruly demands. Imagine using the bathroom less often, being confident you can reach it in time, and sleeping longer at night without waking from your bladder. Imagine being able to leave the house in confidence, without having to stop at every bathroom you see. Imagine feeling more in control. Let’s purge the urge and put you back in the driver’s seat, together.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Purge the Urge! 👋

    2. How to use this course

    3. ⬇️ DOWNLOAD Bladder Diary & Complete for 3 Days, Before 1st Class!

    4. ⬇️ DOWNLOAD: Bladder Diary Results and Goals Tracker

    5. ⬇️ DOWNLOAD: Healthy Bladder Habits

    6. Let's See Where We Are, So We Know Where We're Going!

    1. Zoom Week 1: Calming the Urge RECORDING

    2. Step 1: Learn About Your Bladder

    3. Three Steps to a Calm Bladder

    4. Step 2: Control the Urge

    5. Healthy Habit of the Week

    6. Learning Check—Calming the Urge

    1. Zoom Week 2: To Kegel or Not to Kegel RECORDING

    2. Are Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Meek or Overachievers?

    3. For those with Meek Pelvic Floor Muscles

    4. For those with Overachieving Pelvic Floor Muscles

    5. Healthy Habits of the Week

    6. Check your knowledge

    1. Zoom Week 3: Tame the Triggers RECORDING

    2. Step 3: Start Challenging Yourself and ⬇️ DOWNLOAD: Bladder Triggers and Plan

    3. Progressing your Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises

    4. Tummy Tools for Bladder Urgency

    5. Healthy Habit of the Week

    6. Taming the Triggers—Check your knowledge

    1. Zoom Week 4: Turning the Tide RECORDING

    2. Step 3 Continued: Challenge Yourself

    3. Bladder Diary—Revisited

    4. Progressing your Exercises

    5. Healthy Habits of the Week

    6. Turning the Tide—Check your knowledge

    1. Zoom Last Class: You Made It! RECORDING

    2. Congratulations—You Made It!!! 🙌

    3. Final Steps

    4. Time to Measure Your Progress ⏰

    5. Before you go...please let me know what you thought of this course! ✅

    6. What to do if you still need help ☎️

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 5 Virtual Live Zoom Classes
  • Online lessons to reinforce Zoom classes
  • Access to our Private Facebook Group

Join our next 4-week class

Who: This class is for you if you experience strong, uncomfortable and difficult-to-control urges to use the bathroom, and/or you go to the bathroom more frequently than every 2 hours, or more than 8 times per 24-hour day. You may or may not experience leakage on the way to the bathroom. It is also for you if you want to learn great habits to prevent future bladder problems.

What: This 4-week course will teach you powerful urge control strategies, targeted strengthening exercises and healthy bladder habits to help you retrain your bladder, regain control on the way to the bathroom, strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, and cut down on unnecessary trips to the bathroom.

Where: Online! Follow simple online course modules and attend weekly virtual live Zoom instruction, where you can ask questions and participate in class with others who understand your struggle with your bladder. Recordings of each class will be available in case you miss a live session or simply prefer not to be in a class setting.

When: Purge the Urge starts Monday, October 10, 2022! All Zoom classes start at 5:00 pm CDT.  🗓️ Recordings of each class made available shortly thereafter. Online course modules are released weekly.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have bladder pain, an active bladder infection or have significant pelvic or back pain, please contact me before enrolling.

What People are Saying:

“⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Where do I begin?!? Improved leaking, peace of mind, I feel more in control and have better awareness of frequency. I feel more confident and absolutely see the importance of continuing to keep up with kegels and exercising to retain this mental and physical strength.”


“⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Definitely improved leaking! Less times getting up in the middle of the night.”


“⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ As a person who would describe themselves as a busy parent; watchful of what they eat; know they need to workout more; aware of "bathroom issues" but thinks "meh, it's probably normal" and doesn't look further into it... I didn't 100% realize how much I subconsciously worried about going to the bathroom. (Go before you leave the house. Will there be a bathroom there? Will there be jumping/running? Should I wear a liner just in case?) I didn't think it was a PROBLEM. Totally a problem, totally fixable. The information learned in this course and applied in my everyday thinking has been priceless. THANK YOU! In the end, COMPLETELY worth every penny!”

Christina S.

“⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Angela took the embarrassment out of discussing such intimate issues. She was organized and a wonderful instructor. I was amazed at the comfort level of discussing these issues with others. The videos about technique were very helpful.”


“⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The bite-sized chunks of information each week and how they built on one another but never became overwhelming. AND all the progress I've made strengthening my pelvic floor!”


“⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ease - ease of schedule, ease of exercise, ease of understanding, ease of making life changes without feeling overwhelmed. ”


“⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Awesome! I know how to use my pelvic floor muscles now. Everything was well written, intentional and even kind of fun to learn about.”



Angela Fishman, PT

Pelvic Health Physical Therapist

👋 My name is Angela Fishman and I am a licensed physical therapist and owner of My Pelvic Therapy, a telehealth physical therapy practice. I have distilled my 21 years of experience as a pelvic health specialist into this easy-to-follow program to help you prepare your pelvic floor for birth, to minimize your risk of tearing so you are less likely to leak after delivery. You don't have to accept a fate of bladder leakage, prolapse or pain, just because you want to have a baby! Join me in learning how to have great pelvic health, for life.

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I hope that you love the course. But if you find that you don't like it for any reason, just send me an email within 30 days asking for a refund and I will refund all your money. No hard feelings. I personally guarantee that too!
